Rico Nasty on Linking Up with Lil Yachty on Vine, Making Music Together

DMV rapper Rico Nasty spoke with VladTV about her come up after “iCarly” went viral online, and she shared some things that she’s learned in the process.
Rico went through the learning process of keeping people at a distance because they like to cling on to people with fame, and she added that she’s been lucky enough to only deal with one sexist situation as a female rapper so far. To hear more of what Rico Nasty had to say, including how she linked up with Lil Yachty, hit the above clip.


  • A R M A N I 8 years ago

    The whole damn comment section is going off on her for no reason. Sheesh. Why?

  • Trap Daily 8 years ago

    she's cute but she bitin yacty wayyy too hard

  • anthony cabling 8 years ago

    Troll doll lookin ass

  • Loso 8 years ago

    LosoBabyDriveYouCrazy https://soundcloud.com/user-805860329/sets/i-think-i-can-rap

  • Loso 8 years ago

    Rico Nasty #DMV STAND UPPP

  • Brandon Snow 8 years ago

    Man you niggas is mad hatin in these comments, so she look different everybody do lol. So what she trying to hard to be hood which is she and I know shew aint bout that life. Yall hatin on a girl for having green hair though? Foreal?

  • the future 8 years ago

    Wendy Williams plays too much

  • Alejandro Castellanos 8 years ago

    man jaw and big ass hands.

  • Macathrilla 8 years ago

    wack rappers make music together

  • Dean Wicks 8 years ago

    She cute for a man no homo

  • 91750fast 8 years ago

    "she" lovvvvvvvesssss marlyn manson soooo much!

  • Gay Rapper 8 years ago

    Omg! k, like.. for all you haters out there I have some invaluable information i'd like to share wit yall some listen up! Rico was a childhood friend of mine and she has undergone sex reassignment surgery meaning she has breasts and a fully functional penis. Sheesh!

  • Sea Pea 8 years ago

    She's got a smile like Beyoncé.

  • Scomoresco Scomoresco 8 years ago

    major part of her fanbase is 13, 14 and she is cool with it.. and than she says that there should be music for all fanbases, leave nobody out. does she even realise what she is saying? this is how she and her industry are messing with our children. evil

  • 1879gym 8 years ago


  • Julian Owens 8 years ago

    who the fuck is this

  • _Jaydee_ 8 years ago

    breath probably smelling like dick

  • Ancient Cannabis Channel 8 years ago

    I think she's the most beautiful woman in earth.?

  • GATOR Ent. /Production BUFF Records 8 years ago

    This is rico and he nasty with a chocker on hiding Adam's ? its reason they call it that.Men only have them.

  • Jared Oles 8 years ago

    bitch what is up with your eyebrows

  • Jared Oles 8 years ago

    bitch no one cares bout you. dont act like your some superstar when niggas think your a nigga.

  • C. Okafor86 8 years ago

    kill yourself immediately

  • Jimmy Two-Times 8 years ago

    I'd get her pregnant.

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