Young Noble and E.D.I. Don spoke openly to VladTV about 2Pac’s relationship with Suge Knight, and they denied rumors that 2Pac felt like he was making a deal with the devil by signing to Death Row while in prison. They went on to say that they witnessed a genuine brotherhood between Pac and Suge, adding that Suge was a generous person in business and his personal life.
Moving along, the two rappers spoke about how Suge knocked down doors for rap labels like No Limit and Cash Money, and they added how they saw how a real label should be run with J. Prince’s Rap-A-Lot. To hear more of what they had to say, hit the above video.
Some stuff outlawz say sound like there lying. One says one thing others says another. Than when vlad questions it. They change answers. They never were this outspoken when tupac had just died.
"Trying 2 find peace of mind and still preserve my soul."
"There R many days I hunger, but I would go hungry and homeless before the American Government gets my soul."
"I can look directly into my face and find my soul. It's not sold, I didn't sell it, it's still within me, I still feel it."
-Tupac Shakur
Fuck the BULLSHIT, FREE SUGE! I hear too many stories of this dude's GENEROSITY to believe he's as EVIL as niggas say.
He didn't sell his soul at all!
Irony is… if he had survived or had not been shot that night, 2Pac would have most likely ended up in Prison for breaking the terms of his bail
"R u still down" salute to vlad full extended tupac fight on my page
majority of rappers are freemasons..all the hand signs & handshakes
You could sense Suges love for Pac, even in the interviews after his death.
vlad you gotta stop doing these double guest interviews got mfs tryna talk over each other
Look at these mfs lol
vlad give full interview u sucker im a outlaw too
Bruh vlad asks the dumbest questions and explains stupid shit that the people he interviewing either already know or know is completely false
edi when we drunk we would die for pac or outlaw shit i wanna fight gonzoe when im drunk hahaaa
Am tired of the outlawz talking about 2pac, am tired of hearing about pac. Am all pacced out
O4l 4 ever
I grew Up On Pac..Come Bang My Music!
puff is another puppet
the song good life says I sold my soul for a chance to kick it bang
I think Pac & Suge had a genuine friendship similiar to Ross & Meek.
But let's not act as if Suge didn't like Pac because he was a star talent and that he was attracted to Pac's reckless personality which he could use to involve in BS.
Suge had love for Pac to an extent. He shouldn't have allowed Pac to be jumping Crips.
Suge is a good Guy
He made a deal with suge that's for sure. As for making a deal with the devil is hogwash. There's no real way to make a deal with the devil as the"devil" is a made up deity by the pathetic Catholic church. He made a deal with Suge though.
young noble looks like he's 50 or so
Tom whalley got Tupac signed to first deal ever and after afeni shakur died now he owns the whole Tupac estate and catalog so in essence yes Tupac sold his soul to the devil and now the devil came back to collect. By the way tom whalley is the same person that prince was battling in court for years to have full ownership of his masters.
There is no soul i sell it , its still connected to my body . Tupac last movie interview gang related month befor he died
michelle for maggie simpsons voice or a back up lisa
EDI is looking more and more like young jock…
WTF that voice 3:37 ??
You running out of shit vlad??
Deathrow Records is probably the Most Legendary Label of all-time. I'm from the East Coast but always was bumpin Deathrow Artists back in the day.
check out my Tupac Greg debate video!
Sold his soul to the devil rubbish rubbish if you hear Pac rapped he basically attacked the devil & the system in his music
Noble Speak like he was there.. every time Edi SPEAK noble look like he wanna slap the Fuck outta him.. he just always gotta be heard.. Nigga be throwing up The W Ur from Jersey dude
vlad probley mad he never interviewed linkin park right now or if he did expect that flashback
In "Tupac: Resurrection" Pac says, in his own words: "Death Row is a Superpower. And I'm Superpower, we joining forces" another clip he says: "Suge is mad cool man" …. Also VLAD doesnt like Suge
I really wish we could've seen a Death Row Records anniversary show. The Motown of Rap. Undoubtedly the greatest Hip Hop label ever to do it!
In a way, he did. Death Row capitalized on a side of Pac that eventually got him killed. The street beefs that label had, a guy like Tupac shouldn't have been anywhere near. He wasn't the type that was about to fall back. It put Pac in a position where he felt he had to ride against some real treacherous ass niggas
Made niggaz ???
Free suge knight.
"Dre's a Billionaire" LoL …
Whatever happened to the girl that accused Pac of rape?
Suge Knight was the mf man idgaf what anybody gotta say. I would have inked a deal with Death Row Records too.
The devil wears Red & It says BOMPTON on his sweater& Smokes cigars too!
How You Gonna Say Quote "I Know Im Selling My Soul To The Devil" … Tupac Reportedly Said Then Say "It Was An Article About Some One Who Covered It" … Vald Is Way Fishy To Me ..He Knows Who Was The Reporter That Said It But Yet Ask A Dumb Ass Question .. Straight Suspect
Welcome to the Tupac Shakur channel, everyone. Formerly known as the Slim Jesus channel.
on HBO Jimmy said Time Warner wouldn't let him bail him out so he gave money to Suge
on HBO Jimmy said Time Warner wouldn't let him bail him out so he gave money to Suge
Once again VLAD working with crooked pigs and lien ass people go to hell kading