Miami Native Zoey Dollas stopped by VladTV for an exclusive interview detailing his rise in the rap game and how it came to be. Zoey discusses growing up in the hood and how getting kicked out of high school fueled his drive to make it in music. He also talks about hometown hate in Miami and how he must constantly be aware of his surroundings. Watch above.

Zoey Dollas Discusses “Frenemies” and Receiving Hate From His Hometown
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Wack ass.
This dude is real, watch coon ass niggas come at him for his complexion, black people hate blackness
zoey dollars is up next I see him up there with nas ,designer , bone thugs ,Tupac etc
this nigga been raped too many times
This dude got more interviews than songs talkin bout hate from your city bruh u got signed to future and we haven't heard from you since
This niggas' face and neck are blue. I'm not trolling, I'm just being observant.
Im jealous. All this nigga needs to do to have the power of invisibility is turn off the lights
New song on my page #MoreLife
Nigga said he go to the Club with 200 people, hanging out with that many Niggaz someone will turn on you.
I just want to know what the fuck yo shirt says
Despite i fuck with Zoey he a real nigga. It Just his music i dont like as much
Bro looks like my uncle kwesi in ghana
big bro is a real lyricist salute to him
???Zoe parents are the best, my mom the same way she a Christian too
Do not follow his example unless u got money or buzz behind u
Dollaz vlad WITH A Z DOLLAZ
lol Haitian parents
African & African Americans = 2 Seperate Black Nations !!! (see:Egypt)
Zoe Life ??
univision hat lol
His music weak af
The best part of having sex with twenty one year olds is that there's twenty of them
real shit