Virgil Roberts: Suge Knight has a Real Chance of Beating His Trial

Virgil Roberts concluded his interview with VladTV with a discussion of Suge Knight’s recent legal troubles and, as Roberts puts it, his “tragic” fall from his heights as a Death Row Records executive. Roberts says that Suge, who’s currently in jail for a 2015 hit and run that left one dead, has a chance of getting off when his trial comes around. “I think Suge was scared. I think he was rushing out of there because he was frightened, and that’s how he ran over his friend. I don’t think it was an intentional act at all,” Roberts says.


  • Ned Flanders 8 years ago


    letter of the alphabet

  • thurgood stubbs 8 years ago



  • DubNation 8 years ago

    OMG please quit posting Tuwack videos and get my boy desiigner on here or I'm unsubscribing

  • Tim E 8 years ago

    People dont realize how much power suge has in cali suge is on vacation he will be out soon hes strategizing

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