Skippa Da Flippa (@FlippaHavin) – “No Cap Intro”

Published on October 16, 2018 by

Rumbling over soulful trap instrumentals with his gruff delivery, Flippa is a nimble flow artist, rapping about his self-made status. Succinctly summarizing his extravagant life in two minutes, the rapper formerly known as Skippa Da Flippa shares “No Cap (Intro),” his latest video.

The opening track to his latest mixtape Up To Something, “No Cap Intro” is a missive of pure gratitude, where Flippa lists all his accomplishments, from his extravagant riches to his making his mother proud, over a chipmunk soul instrumental. In the video, Flippa gives a snapshot of his best life, starting the day hanging out with his daughter, gifting a Mercedes to his mom, and chilling with models in a gorgeous mansion.


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