Payday Monsanto sampler

Published on April 7, 2015 by

As a poet, activist, and hip hop artist, he pursues the demise of “genocide rap” by using his musical genius for thought-provoking, purely positive purposes.

Welcome to the music designed to expand your mind! Once you accept the best, you won’t settle for less!!
For the most intelligent hip hop one could ever imagine!!
Payday Monsanto, the activist, and hip hop artist,
from Philadelphia PA, has been cranking out
Anti-New World Order Brilliantly INFORMATIVE hits .
A independent artist created five albums:
1st -Lambs To The Slaughter,
2nd -Itanimulli: Call Me When You’re Free,
3rd -The Patent Maniacs at Large,
4th – compilation album entitled
The Foundation: 15 Years In The Making.
And the latest album
5th – Missisles With Relish
will be available soon.
FACEBOOK like page ” now on itunes ”!/pages/Payday-Monsanto-now-available-on-iTUNES/178723078827156
Payday Monsanto -offical web site

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  • _FireHotMama 10 years ago

    he a marathon runner in that first one

  • Nveldanez 10 years ago

    What other female MC has released an album/single that charted in the past 5 years. I’ll wait.

  • CLIFFICON 10 years ago

    This can’t be good.

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