LEWKA – Violent Dialectix feat. Trillion (New Video)

Published on April 7, 2015 by


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  • NAMEBRANDNCM 10 years ago

    BET is one of the major reasons why hip-hop is some shit right now. Not to say that mtv and vh1 dont contribute by supporting these horrible artists, but BET should be the station to step up and put some truth into the mix. All BET has to do is support real artists who actually have something to say, example: Lupe. Just do what you do for the Young Jocs and Webstars, play their shit all day everyday, i gurantee the shit theyre sayin will sink in. I mean, are u really afraid that nobody will watch, every black kid watches BET no matter whats on. Instead of promoting good music and educating people, BET airs commercials about the premiere of Jay-Z’s new single. They actually had a whole commercial about the premiere, not the making of, just the premier. Im a Jay fan, but come on.

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