B.D. Kold (@bd_kold_the_king_225) – “God On It”

Published on February 27, 2019 by

I’ve heard a lot of Christian music over the years, but this is the first song I can remember which presents the whole Gospel, all of the Good News, in one song. This is a song which even “the gates of Hell shall not prevail against.” This is a song which can travel into drug shooting galleries, county jails, gang fights, state prisons, nascent criminal conspiracies or human trafficking situations and proudly present the Gospel message, reach the people there, and if God wills it, set the captives free. This song is definitely “not ashamed of the Gospel.” Blessings to all who listen. Welcome home.

Free 17 track mixtape Distribution of hope available on all major platforms,

available for listen or download bdkold.com

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