Alais Clay – Heavy Koolaid Unsweetened Soft-Kill Mix ft. Payday Monsanto at WACC Open House

Published on April 7, 2015 by

We Are Change Colorado officially opened our Community Center with a little house warming party featuring performances from Alais Clay, Payday Monsanto, MC AD, Wandering Monks and many more. Not our usual Monday night meeting for sure but an amazing even for liberty where we saw dozens of new faces who brought way too much food to the potluck and bbq! The festivities also were responsible for bringing together two of today’s premier artists for truth who have collaborated in the past but have never met or performed together on the same stage… Alais Clay and Payday Monsanto.

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1 comment

  • BombWaterman 10 years ago

    I couldve saved my 3 minutes for something better

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