Tag: S Dot

Edai on Relationship with Chief Keef, Being Side by Side w/ Keef in Shootouts

Chicago up and comer Edai sat down with DJ Vlad for an exclusive interview discussing team 600 and his relationship with Chief Keef. Edai describes knowing Keef long before the fame mostly because Keef and his younger brother Cdai were in the same grade and used to hang out together. He describes being in shootouts […]

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S Dot on Starting Team 600 w/ Edai, Record Labels Scared of Them

Chicago artist S Dot joined VladTV for a thoughtful interview on how the β€œdrill” label can hurt rappers and what he’s done to distance himself from it. β€œI’m from the streets, but I can make other types of music,” Dotarachi says. S Dot also talks about forming Team 600 and how the lack of job […]

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