It was only a matter of time before Lord Jamar weighed in on Lil Yachty’s new album cover for his upcoming release Teenage Emotions. Jamar says that with his all-inclusive cover art, Yachty has assumed the role of “king of the abnormal.” “It’s abnormal,” Jamar says, “But that doesn’t mean we should hate it.” Watch above.

Lord Jamar: Everything in Yachty’s New Album Cover is Abnormal, Including Him
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kyle is dope fuk yachty but kyle got some slick bars
Forget the album cover anyway…you dont need it to tell that lil Yatchy is one of the worst rappers ever ,,,,,if you call him a rapper , and right he doesn't do hip hop
"This nigga seem retarded..but I'm not tryna diss him or anything"
fucken lmao Jamar killed me with this one
thank u lord jamar for putting vlad in his place …..and vlad we dont give a fuck if rick rubin produced yachty its fukn trash even if dr dre timbaland kanye rza all collabd to produce a yachty song he will always be trash and vlad open ur fukn ears idk wtf ur hearing
Lord Jamar be on point with the colorways
2:00 South Park Reference
migos and yachty are equally gay and lame
Yachty Cover is to help condition the minds of the masses into the New Age One World Religion of False love tolerance of all things deviant to nature (not saying all things like albinoism which people cant help). Freedom of speech will be a crime soon.
Vlad dumbass confusing Rick Rubin with some random dude named Karl Rubin. That took 5 seconds to look up on Wikipedia what a homo
it's just party music
2017 2 men can kiss on a HipHop album cover …smh new niggaz man I swear
real shit, I BEEN thinkin yachty might be slightly challenged mentally. not even a shot at him either, but something about him just gives me a special ed vibe.
The Rick Reuben part fucked Jamar up! lol
The gay shit on the cover is simply to get people talking. When talent doesnt sell records, you use controversy and gimmicks.
Lil B already did this shit with the "IM GAY" title and its all fucking lame.
Lord Jamar Be Talking That G Talk, keep shit ng on these niggas Big cuh, BUT y'all check out my new mixtape #DinnerTime
Vlad is out of his mind if he thinks that Yachty has control over his music/marketing decisions. Vlad been around too long to say this stuff he's saying….
fuck media right wing white people hip hop
4:16 is fuckin gold
honestly jamar i thought that, but then i watched his interview on everyday struggle. He ain't slow, might play it off like it, i think its part of his gimmick, but he's too well spoken to be slow.
I can't stand yachty voice. Sounds ridiculous
Vlad loves yachty
vlad just ask him yourself….stop judging him based on his cover…..
This nigga got a point!
Lord Jamar ethered Yachty lmfao
What's so abnormal about the fat white chick, or the black dude with dreads in the top right corner, or the white dude with long hair in the bottom right corner? Those 3 seem pretty normal to me.
Why can't some people just except that no person on this earth is the same and have the same interests.
I see Jamar, I click that shit
What's the over/under before Vlad says the word gay in this video?