Chicago rapper Lil Jay sat down for an exclusive interview with VladTV from jail, and he opened up about how all of his friends turned their back on him when he went to jail, including Famous Dex. He also added that Dex said he would put money on his books, but when Jay’s father confronted him, Dex allegedly said he didn’t have that kind of money.
During the conversation, Lil Jay also spoke about putting out new music in a couple of months if he doesn’t go to trial, and he informed fans on how to put money on his books to show support. To hear more of what he had to say, hit the above clip.
i aint bonden if you gon get convicted anyway…SMH waist of my money
"so as u go to jail these niggas turn into ghost"…. bibby
You only get one or two real friends in life, everyone else is just cool to hang with. Know your friends and who is just cool to kick it with.
niggas kill somebody then want people feel sorry for him. sorry ass niggas
Fuck you Vlad. You're on the phone with him but ain't bailing him out either. Idk how heavy Dex fucked with Lil Jay, but posting bond ain't always promised. Anybody real will just appreciate you for visiting them. Y'all don't understand how lonely it feels in that bitch. This dude feels entitled to a lot of shit tho. That's why you should never break your back for people who wouldn't do the same for you. It's a cold fuckin world. Vlad one of the most scummiest people alive tho. Fuckin culture vulture.
Fuck that shit it isn't anybody's responsibility to bond you out you a grown ass man, bitch
I hope he get out and shit on all these folks
Little jay WAS a menace to society and he got what he deserved… he got himself in this situation he can get himself out.
Niggas mad at Dex for not paying dude bond? Did he make the decisions? No. Lil Jay ain't Famous Dex responsibility that's a grown ass man he shouldn't have did whatever he did.
dex got a family to feed u gotta think about and know he got bills
Vlad #CloutGod" frfr
Vlad got 1M subs on here
U know he don't be readin comments after the first 3 minutes ?
free lil jay mannnn fureal big bro innocent they dont want him to blow up
Chiraq's most notorious king gang banga, aka the Chiraq Wolverine, survivor of multiple shootings n shootout, eating some 10+ bullets n gunshot wounds to the legs n torso, sitting in prison awaiting a murder trial for which if he's convicted he faces 20yrs …… all that, and ma nigga Lil Jay, true street soldier that he is, is in there worried about a bitch nigga doin "his dance"…. #Savage
At 5:34 I could hear vlad laughing lol smh
get off dex dick nigga. i still fw ya dance tho
Niggas is too dumb to realize u can't depend on nobody because it's always a time that they let u down but at the same time u can't get mad at mfs because they not helping u with a situation u got yourself into..u just gotta be a man and deal with it
Lil Jay would never bond out any one if tables were turned. Not Dex responsibility
don't think lil jay feels as though dex owe him shit but at the same to when someone who slept on your floor and needed you to put food in their stomach at one point. I would hold him to it as well if he told me he'd help and he flexing with new AP wrist watches.
djvlad been on a roll this past week
I thought this nigga said he ain't have No bond. Fucc goin on ??
You guys see all the leased and rented cars ! And jewelry . Famous dex is not as rich as you guys think !
fuck this broke nigga, he look like a gay bitch
he should have been thinking about his daughter before he went to jail
free lil jay
culture vulture aka vladtv
this exactly what every nigga say in jail lmao he gone get out n be back with his crew hahaha
Dex Must Be This Nigga Dad Or Summ
Lil jay got hell of niggas that's rapper they all put something in they want decide to pay the whole bail
Who ever think Dex is fu for not bailing him out cleary don't know who these 2 are let me tell you something Lil Jay made a living off robbing his fans the same ppl that's writing him letters got robbed by him they bought merchandise from Lil Jay clothing line never received anything I saw all the tweets before he got booked now think about it if he could rob his fans do you think if the table was turned around would he bail out Dex helllllllll nooooooo so miss me with the bs this grown man got himself in that situation and he gotta get himself out

why did vlad ask him that clout question like chicago rappers invented that word?
Lil Jay got an "AH YEAH" as a reply when talking about his bond with Famous Dex he misinterpreted
Any real street nigga should understand where Lil jay comin from with the whole dex situation… if I get locked up and my dog famous, I would expect him to bond me out before he went and bought some jewelry.. that jus goes to show dex wasn't fuckin wit Lil jay the way he thought he was but on the other hand Lil jay can't jus sit around with his hand out.. he talks about all this unreleased music he got, his dumbass should have had a producer put his shit together and put it out so he could've at least had some kind of money comin thru
bail lil jay out so he can go back for the same bs!
lol at people saying its dex money , theres a thing called loyalty and looking out for day1's . Same people with that mentality would let there moms rot in jail too smhhh over $$
I call him Lol Jay cuz he GOOFY as hell.