In this clip from King Louie’s interview with VladTV, the Chicago MC gives Vlad his dissertation on the Chicago rap scene: while there are a handful of household names that have emerged out of the city, like Kanye, Common, Chance the Rapper, and Twista, the sound “hasn’t been molded.” In other words, King Louie says, there is no one distinct, identifiable Chicago sound, in the same way that there is in cities like Los Angeles, New York, or Atlanta. “People don’t know what ‘Chicago music’ is,” he says. Watch the interview above.

King Louie on Kanye Blowing Up Chicago with Chief Keef’s “I Don’t Like” Remix
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This nigga look dead at the beginning ?
I wonder how vald feel when he ask a question & the guest start talking about some shit that's left field ??
This nigga will never give chief keef his credit lol
Keef still one of the worst rappers ever
Ways to tell you're a Chicago nigga
1.) The oldest nigga you know is 19
2.) You smoke with your Mom
3.) You sell weed to your Dad but don't know the nigga
4.) Your grandma is 32
5.) You own more R.I.P shirts than regular shirts
6.) You still care what side a nigga wears his hat to.
Chief Keef still is the greatest rapper alive .
That's a dope raiders jacket
chief keef definitely put a new genre of music on the map, glorifying chicago even more
chief keef capitalized and left Chicago as he should. Move forward, alot of mfs think sitting still is "keepin it real"
Nigga lying – niggas was listening to Bump J and LEP before this nigga… Hold this "L" King Louie
Nigga need to lay off them drugs frfr, smh
King Louie type slow
Vlad: "So you're doing underground mixtapes"
King Louie: "Si"
Louie High as fuck
I think I lost some brain cells trying to watch this
this niggah can not complete sentence………..speak nigggah finish thought…
song was already big before kanye got on it, kanye would never help local chicago artist blow up
king louie just mad cuz he aint relevant like other young chicago rappers
man jus give my nigga sosa his credit he blew up chicago 2011-2012
Never interview this nigga again waste of fuckin time
is this guy blind? does he not know how dirty his fucking glasses are?!
I forgot bout this guy. Last i heard from him, was when he got shot
The reason why Kanye even jumped on it was bc it was hot… Kanye never made it hot
This nigga got half a brain
You can tell that head shot got him moving like that
2012 my junior year in H.s shit changed 4ever
I swear Vlad just talk bout the same shit with Chicago artist… shit is annoying
Safe to say this guy didn't finish elementary school…
This nigga King Louie is soooo irrelevant now and this mf tried so hard not to say Keef or Durk name
this nigga retarded
louie aint lyin tho, he was going in on dem beats til i heard chief goin harder
Three Pillow System
ppl were just fascinated with the drill sound and culture.. period. most of them joints back in 2012 sounded the same but it was infectious especially as with ny and la hiphop its not an ongoing beef as such between artists but with the 300 and 600 sets vs the other sets especially bricksquad at the time… every weed carrier turned rapper in the crew was getting views from new drill fans wanting to find out about the beef and also discover and decide upon who their favorite rappers were, as lets be honest.. that drill '12 sosa/durk/reese sound was easy to replicate… then when we heard like la capone etc we was like that's our guy
damn folks..that head shot got you fucked up out here joe..brain on 2%
Some people say if it weren't for dat I Don't Like (Remix) Keef would be barely known. But people sleep on his original Bang(The Mixtape)
Man damn man this nigga is slow. Must be from the shooting or something cus' he takes too long to compute and respond to basic questions. From 2006 to 2010 cats in the Chi in terms of homegrown rappers were listening to King L, LEP, Cool Kids, Lupe, Kanye, Sly Polaroid and the remains of the Bump J/Goon Squad shit.
aint nobody mention king beece
im from out west i was bump crazy when that word on the street, goon report dropped
no he forgot king the hood savior and lep bogus boys how pac got on then king louie came
Fuck a MUBU More SOSA less TONY this nigga never can give Sosa Credit
Why when they mention Chicago rappers they never mention Do or Die or Psycho Drama? Do or Die dropped like 5 or 6 albums and Buk from Psycho Drama is one of the hardest rappers ever.
Chicago needs to pay homage to and support their real OGz