In this telling clip from Cuban Link’s November 2016 interview with VladTV, Cuban Link details the beef between Jay Z and Terror Squad. Cuban Link says that Fat Joe’s issue with Jay came about because Joe was jealous, and thought Jay was fake. Cuban Link also tells the story of a bar fight between the Terror Squad crew and the Roc-A-Fella crew at a bar. Finally, he tells Vlad about how he got stabbed at a strip club at the age of 18.

Cuban Link on Big Pun Chasing Jay Z, Roc-A-Fella Brawl, Kidnapping Whoo Kid
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fuck gay-z go suck ya fellas
+djvlad your a fucking culture vulture in my dame dash voice BITCH!!!
can he say nigga?
stop your lying fam Memphis guild the truth jay never ran fam pun never had no meeting
When will people realize the Ether sounded good but was a bunch of lies
y'all mf trying so hard to get something on the GOAT/Jay-Z …only the elevator shit that's it haha
vlad is a rat
lol funny interview
Dude look like a dried up prune mixed with jersey shore in the retirement home lol
pmsl luv 2 c jay gettin chased round the couch eas he shoutin 4 B
I miss pun rip real rap what happen to it
Getting Stabbed At A Srip Club @ the Age of 18 That Would Suck if It Was His First Time Going Lol
Terror Squad.. Legends!!?
Where are all the other Cuban Link videos Vlad??? C'MON SON!
wish I could tell this guy how much I hate Cubans and pornaricans to his face.
I bet you Jay was there LOL…Cuban probably leaving some stuff out, since it's water under the bridge and there's nothing to gain from revealing the truth about Jay having a gun pointed at him…Jay has a lot of power…
What demon shit is this fool talking about?!
I wonder why Vlad hasn't posted the other Cuban Link videos ?
Cuban Link got knocked out by BX in a Club he didn't even Fight Back footage online he needs to stop with the tuff guy talk especially when speaking about Pitbull, Fat Joe & DJ Khaled probably lies if not Karma got at Him but I Doubt it he should just Rap Battle instead he ain't no fighter like he claims he is he needs to Battle Rap Live for the Culture instead while he can and why Vlad never asked him & Joe about the Terror Squad Beef? hmmm
pun, fat joe , this dude, kalad , all this terror squad is corny faggots
Ive heard 3 different stories from him on youtube.
Erica Mena baby daddy
Superman fighting 5 dudes, got pistol whipped and still knocked 2 guys down…….ok buddy
@4:36 lmao smart nigga…nah… I wasn't there
He's not black but he's saying nigga, does that bother you African Americans
I love hip hop drama lol
pun cant run and joe soft lmao cant jack that
you can tell he's telling the truth
Bx run shit
real good history right here
"… yah i got stabbed"
That's right, when you do not know the stachute of limitation on kidnapping charges, deny any involvement. ???