Pompano trendsetter Choo Choo wraps up his interview with VladTV with a discussion about Kodak Black, authenticity in hip hop, and the up and coming generation of rappers. “What people think is hot right now is wack,” he says, later adding, “That’s how I define mumble rap: he ain’t talking about nothing.” Watch above.

Choo Choo on his Relationship with Kodak Black, Kodak’s Legal Troubles
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I would be tired of being asked about Kodak
All im going to say is where the fuck does vlad find these niggas.
Real niggas waiting for that 600Breezy flashback
if I wasn't bald I would grow my hair like that no momo
POO POO… This nigga dreads look like a long piece of doo doo
based on a choo story was a solid tape
Vlad can only ever get the friends of popular rappers.
the first dread on the left look like a dick… no homo tho
checking in
I would be upset if I got invited to do a interview with Vlad TV and he wasn't the one doing the interview lol
lauderdale slowing being put on the map.
This interviewer needs to improve his social skills. It's like he's reading off a script. He doesn't laugh or have any emotions at all lol. Let me take that niggas job ?
choo choo!!! he will blow!!! y'all go chk out his song thug love!! if you ever gon through shit you can relate!! we'll at least I can!!! choo is next up!!
Kodak took this niggas flow , check choo choo out he been rapping since Kodak was a kid … they both dope but nobody giving dude credit , Kodak got on and let the fame and money get to his head
These niggas are running out of names.
smack…who is this nigga?
Vlad, choo choo is dope. Please get this interviewer out of here. He makes the interviews boring and his questions stink.
keep Working bruh! SALUTE ?
Shouldn't this nigga be on Thomas and friends?
theres nothing more dangerous than a room full of white people, you might get a broken bone, or die
bruh Is intelligent. more so than he loox. real rap.
another ratchet rapper with doodoo dreads