Pompano Beach rapper Choo Choo is one of the progenitors of the Florida style that’s been popularized by Kodak Black. Here, Choo Choo takes us through his childhood in Pompano, experience in school, and early influences. He also notes that the Florida music scene isn’t particularly friendly: “In Florida rappers are anti-social…in the hip-hop scene and on the streets.” Watch the clip above.

Choo Choo: Florida is Anti-Social in the Hip Hop Scene and in the Streets
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facts thats y niggas don't be making it and those who do don't give back cause no one ever gave em shit
I'm from Tampa Bay(813) (727) (941), FL. St. Petersburg (727)to be exact, the Southside of the city. Shout out to all the different parts of Florida who sees this message!!! ?
So you interview Choo Choo Train but won't interview DISL Automatic? In the words of RA, gtfo hiphop
"School I was good, always payed attention. I always wanted to learn"
~Rapper named Choo Choo who still talks like he's 3 years old.
D Cell and Remy Redd 2 Florida rapper's I fux with heavy
yessss choo choo represent. pompano 4sho
pompano is sweet as fk
Make sure to check out his song "thug love" really a dope tune. He really is on some positive shit. Never judge a book by its cover.
Facts. We ain't friendly.
He's right people from Florida are very antisocial we stay in our own lane and mind our own business #FLORIDARAISEME
Thug Love
im still in the hood
despite what he says pompano is not a nice place, anywhere. all the fancy cars are ppl driving thru from palm beach to ft laud. i lived there for years, lame place, lots of drugs he wasn't lying about the hood
954 in here baby represent all day baby
anybody named choo choo gets an automatic dislike from me
…….If you weak no matter where you at… you don't deserved to be heard. FUCK THAT!!!
pampano dudes all sound the same shout out choo choo on vlad
seems like an aight guy
He ain't lying! ???
1HOT that nigga out of Florida too??
where tf is vlad he got sick of doing videos ? lmao i would of felt disrespected
1HOT that nigga out of Florida too??