Charlamagne Opens Up About What Happened With Wendy Williams, Carmelo & La La Anthony Separate
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I'm sorry he's a ball player. Are you really surprised?
I got my book on Audible! It better be good, Charla.
Damn Melo maybe if you had ONE ring she would've looked passed it… She about to go hard on Power now (if she's still alive)
Ye sounds different at the very end.
They say they a better radio station than hot 97 yet hot 97 morning show set is wayyyy more updated then the breakfast club, u literally have to have your mouth on the mic to even hear the person and they have outdated computers. ??
a whole ass joke
Wendy look like the fake lightskin kaitlyn jenner
Bye Charlemagne. Ain't no one reading your ignorant ass book. Bye!
Chatty patty comin through with the tea lol
Angela Yee was on point today she always is but today was funny
Wendy Williams is a real mans man!
Im not buying no book i don't like making other people rich.
I believe that Wendy Williams can be rude and difficulty to work for.
Give Wendy Williams Donkey of the day forits face!
lil ru getting mentioned on breakfast club lol. 803 to 843 standup.
She's so gross
thanks for sharing been wanting to hear this for so long
I bet this book is a combination of all those philosophy books he like to read like 48 Laws of Power?? This is a conflict of interest you can't create a rumor about his book ?
charlemagne lying piece of shit. he been saying he doesn't know what happened between him and wendy williams. now it turns out it was over some money. foh
Wendy Williams looks like her underwear stink
Wendy's "who?" is the equivalent to Mariah's "I don't know her" LMFAO
I believe it. everyone knows he beat her
Marriage isn't for men period especially if you're a celebrity or ball player
Damn, wendy has some amazing melons!
She pulled a ja rule on Charlemagne when Ja was asked about 50 cent just before Ja's career fell off; good thing this isn't a rap beef.
Every one knows Wendy is a head case. Her husband been beating her ass.
When that interview went down w/ Wendy, Charlemagne acted like he didn't know why Wendy felt that way towards him. I guess he was saving it for the book.