Aside from Blac Youngsta making headlines when he was wrongfully arrested outside of a Wells Fargo bank for withdrawing $200K of his money, he has won many fans over for his hilarious antics on social media. Flossing wads of cash—all hundreds of course—Blac has come a long way from his impoverished childhood.
Growing up in South Memphis, the rapper says he couldn’t afford food so he began working a store and would take home leftovers after making false delivery calls. “I used to make false calls and s***, order food, and s*** so when it got closer for when we leave, and they don’t come get the food, I just get the leftovers.”
Once his place of employment closed down, he says he was then forced into the streets and began “swinging” and selling drugs to his family and friend’s mothers. “At 12 and 13, I was selling crack.” He told DJ Vlad. “I was serving my aunties; I was serving my n**** aunties, my n***** mamas. I was serving whoever. I don’t give a f*** if you a baby, if you want some crack, that’s what we were doing.” The Memphis rapper then goes on to explain to Vlad how he would sell fake bricks to his customers. “I used to serve n****s fake bricks, I ain’t going to lie,” asserted the rapper. “Getting $90,000 or something out of a n**** real fast back then because it was just a little bit cheaper…I used to have a lot of shootouts and s*** because I was selling n****s bull***t dope. I didn’t care.”
In the interview, Blac Youngsta talks about taking money his mother gave him for school clothes and flipping it by buying more drugs for resale, selling more weed than crack, and why he preferred to sell his family drugs.
Only people that believe this bullshh is peeps that never left the burbs. He is a punk for even trying to act like this is real talk.
why this nigga remind me of franklin from gta 5
as retarded as he is and he "sold" 90k in fake bricks… his ass would be dead with all that lacking he be doing smh
"if i stayed at the store, i probably would of been in college" lol
wow blac use to go to the vip shop?
those are some extra large nostrils
how the fuck do you microwave weed without fucking it up?????once that shit starts getting hot it was blaze
Drug dealing for dummies???
He sold his soul no other explanation
snitchin on self new school crazy
and you can make more money off of weed because everybody smokes weed nobody really smoking no crack buddy so of course you can make more off weed its not the 80s crack money aint like it used to be in early 2000's the game fucked up and black just gave yall some game and yall still want to talk shit bout the man. thats why a nigga sale you busta ass niggas fake drugs and then be ready to go to war about it because you lame af.
blacc kongsta
that boy got some big ass cocaine shoots lil bitty whore
poison them humm nice fucking excause youa fame as bitch saying your gonna sell dope to a babby youra piece of shit bro an Vlad will be that dude to say your gonna kill em an after IT happens he will be like why you do it lMAO FAKE NIGGAS
he just admitted to riping people off. put THE water in da WEED REMIND ME NOT TO BUT NO BUD IN MEMPHIS WTF WATERRD DOWN ASS NIGGA
This guy is so full of shit lol. If he ran off on 90 units and didn't get killed. He would most definitely get his face blown off for flexing that paper on snapchap. He's a mufckin liar
this nigga full of shit
he meant 9k
So he just rips ppl off doesnt seem smart
this nigga tweeking lowkey tell the whole game 12 ass nigga
Why he looks like martins lawrence chunky little brother
he said idgaf if you a baby ??
he is low key one of the social media top entertainers
Man about to say fuck it and be one of these silly ass rappers. Create me a gangster image be rich in no time.
Black is right any nigga who say "ain't no money in weed" is a liar or was hustling all wrong
Lmao these rappers cant wait to run to Vlad and incriminate themselves. Even though half of these stories be fabricated
he needs to do some movies
he look like he do some real drugs
LOL Im from Cali and we dont put weed in no fucking microwaves lmao maybe cuz our shit is already bomb as fuck as sells on its own weed is a big money maker esp if you know the grower
Vlad corny
half nose half face i fakin hate u baby boy,ur mumma made u shut up when u wanted to cry thats why u cant talk huh and now u talk too much … :X BRRRRR
tht shirt from walmart lol he real for tht
same here
i could eat at all somedays sunday was the day andat school was it
Hip-hop is dead
he said 3 of the thangs for 90k u can make 75k off one u do the math
In philly, niggas would be sliding on him everyday ?
Punch through sheetrock?
Lil durk if he was dark skin and crazy af?
You put the store out of business because of all them false food calls