Bia in the above clip describes how she consistently bucks people’s expectations of her. On her success as a woman in a male-dominated art form, she says, “People don’t expect me to look like this,” and takes a stand against the “pretty girls shouldn’t talk dirty” maxim. Watch the clip above.

Bia on Making Trap Music: “Pretty Girls Aren’t Allowed to Talk Dirty”
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looks like a wannabe Rihanna in the thumbnail
She just called her self ugly and don't even know it
Homeboy tryn smash fr fr
Pretty girls? who she talking bout cuz it Damn sure ain't her.
She Fine!!!!!!
gtfo with those willy wonka shades
She sexy as fuck. I like a real one.
This young thug looking ass nigga thinks hes "pretty"
She look like an anorexic The Rock with a weave.
I love here I want here lol
Fuck all that Dorrion Duff has bars Cuzzzz ??
On Crip Dorrion Duff has bars ???
i mean you're exceptionally garbage, even for a trap rapper, on the mic. i don't think being pretty is your biggest issue, being wack is. it's clear that pharrell's only reason for putting you on is to fuck.
This channel is dying.
hmmmmm, this is a difficult one. Would I pull out or not?……………….. I'll pull out.
Dorrion Duff Up Next tho ????
No disrespect but who is this? I'm not familiar with her at all. Again, no shade thrown towards this young lady, I just haven't heard anything she's done.
but Pretty Girls like trap music ? ?
Who called her pretty lmao
I hate when people wear shades in an interview.
Eyes are the keys to the soul
what kind of shades are they ? they lowkey fire lol
dafuq is this bitch on? Talkin bout Pretty girls are gettin undermined, dafuq u mean bitch, only thing getting undermined is ur pussy when i slay it with my throbbing 2 inch monster cock
Your lying to yourself if your looked at the thumbnail and didn't think of Lil John& The east side boys BIA BIAAAAA!!!!
shes gorgeous
iggy azalea is ugly
she has a sexy ass voice ?
its not pretty girls shouldn't talk dirty, it's just no body believes that tough shit from most females then you pretty so u don't even have to worry about life. But if u wanna trap go head. i believe katie got bands is with the shitz
Lil Kim, nicki Minaj, are you serious??
Never trust an edited comment.
Who told this bitch she was pretty?
Sha kinda arrogant.. She assumes waayy too much
I would eat this bitch ass squeaky clean
Who told Wilie Coyote she was pretty
Finally she's getting some more exposure. Her music is fire
this chick dumb as fuck. Talks about how pretty she thinks she is for the first half of the video… and then proceeds to talk about how shes sooo "humble" Holy shit please fuck off haha
She look Rupaul as fuck.
sub to me and I'll sub back and I'm doing a giveaway not fake