Andrew Schulz on Never Fighting Anyone Poorer Than Him, Too Much to Lose

Famed podcaster and comedian Andrew Schulz opened up to VladTV about his thoughts on 2Pac putting himself in dangerous situations, and he explained how it’s funny that 2Pac seemed to be responsible with his sex life, but not his everyday life. Schulz went on to say that he was surprised that 2Pac never had any kids considering the rumors about all the women he hooked up with.

Moving along, Andrew spoke about why he was finished having fist fights for the rest of his life, as he explained that he has too much to lose in the process and he’s not concerned with being cool. To hear more of what he had to say, hit the above clip.


  • ya boy bill 8 years ago

    dj vlad don't want no smoke with joe budden

  • Bryan A 8 years ago

    Watching these interviews is like seeing a father talk to his son.

  • Cordell Farmer 8 years ago

    This man said scoop scoops this guy's a dick

  • Lil Sparks 8 years ago

    Vlad when have u ever been in a fist fight? ?

  • BlaqSoul 8 years ago

    Nigga you never fighting nobody cause you can't fight! Get outta here with that Poorer than me bullshit you soft lil bitch

  • alioune traoré 8 years ago

    Intelligent talks

  • Calum 8 years ago

    Young Hezzy!!!

  • bgt125 8 years ago

    Schultz is easily the biggest fuccboi in Hip Hop Media. I cannot stand him.

  • Manny Hernandez 8 years ago

    Vlad didn't Rick Ross snuff you in your 30's ??? Lmao wtf you mean you were down to fight you sued him

  • JY Rebel 8 years ago

    I thought Tupac had a daughter

  • Niki Laura 8 years ago

    Great interview!!! Soooo true…. ewwww…. fuck fighting ppl broker than me…. i will sue!! Too busy making my bank accounts grow…

  • Kirk Johnson 8 years ago

    Keep doing your thing Vlad

  • JReece3000 8 years ago

    Vlad said he's not fearful of ANY other human being? Lol Go on the Joe Budden podcast then. That should be a great interview lol

  • Fabian D. Smith 8 years ago

    Why the dislikes….?

  • Alexander Gordon 8 years ago

    And the dislikes on this video is because……………I'm lost!!

    This was intelligent dialogue.

  • P-ZO El Patron 8 years ago

    Nobody gives a fuck what this punk ass white boy has to say about anything!!!


  • The Burks 8 years ago

    White people justify everything. Damn just accept the L's and live with it..

  • Aaron Williams 8 years ago

    You can lose more winning

  • Goddess Bliss 8 years ago

    Vlad the type of dude to click on the "click to make her squirt "ads

  • SpeaKOn It 8 years ago

    Well at this time around 100 racist thumbed down smh…

  • Dario Gomez 8 years ago

    Bruce Lee said it best when in Enter the Dragon he said his style was "the art of fighting without fighting". He later explained in an interview saying " if I know someone can beat me up then what is the point in fighting them. If I know they can beat me up then I already lost. And if I already know I can beat them up then why do I have to prove it to other people. If I know I can beat them up then I already won."

  • Simmagin Smith 8 years ago

    Everybody got egos. IM SCARED FOR THE OTHER PERSON! or IF I KNOCK SOMEONE OUT!! You 2 hoe ass niggas ain't knocking nobody out man. Why y'all tryin to sound tough

  • JamelVelle 8 years ago

    Vlad fuck outta here with I fear no man bullshit. When Rick Ross guys smacked u up you went running to the feds to sue

  • Dont call me a faggot dude ? 8 years ago

    Soon as Andrew and CtG started hanging w Tax they both start talking tough shit ? I swear to god

  • Jacky Bars 8 years ago

    Why do y'all drop dislikes on videos you don't like. A dislike does the same thing as a like it just makes that video higher rated in the recommendations. If you don't like the video you should not leave a like or a comment, that YouTuber will make less money because of it

  • Steve Reed 8 years ago

    "A punch in the face will get you 300k ask Vlad now he back to making minimum wage, another victim of my criminal ways"

  • julian jefferson 8 years ago

    We should boycott every culture vulture . making money in hip hop these to dudes should never have a platform to eat on. If we dont hip hop will be completly white . labels, artist , producers, dancer, directors etc. Its getting close . BLACKS please stay woke.

  • PyerreYouNasty 8 years ago

    Bruh his videos stay getting all of the dislikes

  • julian jefferson 8 years ago

    Bcuz 2pac was a black man . who drank henny. He shouldve had a bunch of kids??

  • KNUCKLEHEAD STREET 8 years ago

    rip fbg brick#30

  • fogcityblacula 8 years ago

    fuck that pale face cracker

  • jimmy blanco 8 years ago

    Vlad is such a pussy how you say your not scared of anyone in this world but say I Dont plan to have a fight for the rest of my life

  • Time Lord 8 years ago

    If someone walks up to you and punches you in the face I don't really think you have that choice anymore unless you wanna run like a bitch.

  • Bay area bully 8 years ago

    punk ass culture vulture

  • Jack Mehoff 8 years ago

    Vlad wouldn't beat up a blind paraplegic. Wtf is he talking about?

  • Christian London 8 years ago


  • Green Bay All DAY 8 years ago

    This clown ass here

  • Forever MCFC 8 years ago

    Shultz a bitchass motherfucka "i sue" FOH


    VLAD stop pump faking u'z ah Andrew Schulz when it comes to…sue

  • Nomad602 8 years ago

    This dude seems to be full of himself every time Vlad interviews him

  • tay ski 8 years ago

    I'd love to see this guy get beat up

  • Fetta Records 8 years ago

    Wassup with all these dislikes??

  • tay ski 8 years ago

    "Did Tupac have kids?" Starts singing vanilla ice

  • Beatz206 Blue Moon Ent 8 years ago

    Vanilla Ice, really nigga, gtfoh, Anyways, Vlad gotta think before he speak, talking about, he has a man in Atlanta that he fuck with, Just saying

  • John E. Blaze Sr. 8 years ago

    Why does everyone think that people dislike Schultz just because he's white. I think that's the simple answer, but if you dig deeper it's that he's white and not FOR THE CULTURE… In any aspect of it. Shit.. He's not even for the culture in his lane (comedy)

    For instance: Rory (Joe budden podcast) knows his shit. Many other white people in Hip Hop media know way more about the history and are embraced.

    Say what y'all want dj Vlad is for the culture, I seen a dj Vlad mix tape on the streets in the 90s before. And his Hip Hop knowledge is acceptable as long as you don't bring up NAS and the East Coast

    Schultz don't know shit. And his ALT right viewpoints don't make him easier to digest.

  • Michael Camacho 8 years ago

    This dude is a shmuck

  • ShadowKirby 8 years ago

    Lmao this nigga always gets the most dislikes

  • Calum Serginson 8 years ago

    Vlad says he isnt scared of anyone….. riiiight thats why you have security

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