Denzel Woods (@denzisfree) – “Freedumb”

Published on November 23, 2016 by

Denzel Woods reached over 30,000 plays on his inaugural single, “A.D.H.D. Too,” which is a sign of the impact and immediate immediate effect he has on anyone that listens to his music. For his latest release, Denzel speaks on the charged up topic of politics and the ramifications it has had on the American public. Serving as a public service announcement of sorts for the citizens of America, Denzel unloads “Freedumb.”

When asked about his new single, Denzel said, “I’m just touching on some of my own emotions and frustrations that I deal within the country as an American and an African American.” Bolstering his strong position, Woods related himself to other like him by explaining, “I’m sure many others can sympathize or relate too. I’m screaming ‘free my niggas,’ at the end of the song because even if your physically free, those shackles may still be on your mind.”


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