Raz Simone (@RazSimone) – “My Ex Callin”

Published on November 5, 2016 by

“I have this Ex who won’t stop. She loves being a victim and she couldn’t tell the truth if her life depended on it, so this beat spoke to me as I was in the studio and she kept calling and texting. As a person who has a lot of moves that are publicly documented, and my whole city knows me so my name moves from a lot of mouths to a lot of ears- it can be extra hard for people who cut themselves out of my life to deal with my absence. In this case this woman wishes she could have my babies and grow old with me, but she is now coming to the realization that she never will. So she rationalizes in her mind and attempts to demonize me to make the blow less hard. Meanwhile I watch the process from all of her unanswered bipolar texts and missed calls.” – Raz Simone


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