Warren G Talks About Royalties & The Music Industry

http://VladTV.com – Warren talks about how difficult the game could be at times


  • Gallardo 5Million 7 years ago

    he made a record independently and didn't get paid? doesn't the money go straight to your pocket?

  • 2foe7 7 years ago

    Its so crazy to me my big bro Jazzy from Jazzy Management has been educating us about this for years. He is one of the only managers that was really trying to help all of us up and coming artists understand about, BDS, Media base, how music royalties work, the importance of ASCAP, BMI and SESAC, how to fill out split sheets, generating revenue on your YouTube channel by monetizing, 360 deals, Publishing, we salute jazzy wow people should really get to know my mentor he's helped a lot of unknown artists and managers on the west coast and we respect this man.

  • R Phillz 7 years ago

    The bitter wit da sweet!

  • Hakim Davis 7 years ago

    You just said these record company's don't give a fuck about you so what did you think niggaz like Lyor and Russell were really gonna remain your friends after the business deal ended? Come warren g you seem to be smarter than that. They will never call you because you are not on their level and never wil be as far as they are concerned

  • CrowdPleeza 7 years ago

    Always have an entertainment lawyer review your contract or any papers before you sign them. Get a lawyer early on.

  • drift4ever11 7 years ago

    Turn the fucking music down!

  • S U P R E 〽 E 7 years ago

    "Say hi to a mothafucka"

  • Florida Capone 7 years ago


  • ezthejedi 7 years ago

    Dang Snoop holla at Warren G about the 213 album….I'm sure you can get him his check

  • Ricardo Ricardo 7 years ago

    i cant hear shit with this damn background music. vlad u a bitch for doing this

  • Japreme Eloheem 7 years ago

    Deep shit. #RGM

  • Michael Chacon 7 years ago

    Damn everyone just plays warren g.

  • Romello Hollingsworth 7 years ago

    sixpak leak another song on you tube call "All thru the night" Check it out

  • Romello Hollingsworth 7 years ago

    sixpak leak another song on you tube call "All thru the night" Check it out

  • Carlos Jackal 7 years ago

    vlad is a suspect jew!!

  • CrowdPleeza 7 years ago

    I think another problem with the music business for many artist is youth. So many artist sign their first contract when they are young(teens to early 20's). At this age most aren't going to be up on business like they would be if they were to get their first record deal in their late 20's.

  • Julian Lewis 7 years ago

    i hear regulators on radio still all the time

  • MsLacy707 7 years ago

    I love Warren G. He is waaay humble. He'll have his moment like Muddy Waters and other artist that suffered hella jankyness.

  • North Nightowl 7 years ago

    Back when valid didn't mention slim jesus

  • Joshua Lathan Sr. 7 years ago

    Cold, cold, COLD game.

  • Michael Miller 7 years ago

    this is exactly what Dame Dash was talking about. these high level execs dont give a shit about you if theyre not making money with you

  • Abinet V 7 years ago

    Damn nikkas "Say hi to a Mothafucka" hahaha

  • iammagnum mag 7 years ago

    It's called music business not family business warren

  • Robert Jackson 7 years ago

    You sale your soul….

  • Oper8tion Diamon8tion 7 years ago

    K6z where u been?.

  • Walking Youth 7 years ago

    did they have cd baby back in regulate days ? own your own music man

  • Anthony Marzzetti 7 years ago

    good dude to the end. never bad mouthed no one. someone commented one time that dre didn't want him in the industry loop, dre knew the fuckery going on, didn't want warren to go thru that. I hope that's true cause warren is the reason I dreamed of growing up n cali just over the video u can't see what I see…… warren is the example of cali luv….

  • El Fuego hombre 7 years ago

    Warren G. is one of those solid individuals. I can tell every time I hear him in an interview. That regulate joint is a rap classic too! It's not surprising to me that it's still in rotation. Peace Warren G. R.i.p. Nate Dogg

  • King Mener 7 years ago

    That's why you hire lawyers to watch lawyers ….

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